Crypto Bot API
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    Class Store

    Wrapper for API methods that return possible cached data

    Hierarchy (View Summary)



    • Create class instance


      • apiKey: string

        Crypto Bot API key, looks like '1234:AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'

      • endpoint: string = 'mainnet'

        API endpoint url or 'mainnet' or 'testnet' for hardcoded in library endpoint urls

      Returns Store

      Error - If passed invalid API key or endpoint


    _CURRENCIES_UPDATE_PERIOD: number = 3600

    Update period for fetching currencies from backend API in seconds


    Update period for fetching exhange rates from backend API in seconds

    _ME_UPDATE_PERIOD: number = 3600

    Update period for fetching app infomation from backend API in seconds

    _transport: Transport

    Transport class instance

    _currenciesFetchHandler: (isForce?: boolean) => Promise<Currencies>

    Store.getCurrencies method fetch data handler, see createFetchHandler for more

    _exchangeRatesFetchHandler: (isForce?: boolean) => Promise<ExchangeRates>

    Store.getExchangeRates method fetch data handler, see createFetchHandler for more

    _meFetchHandler: (isForce?: boolean) => Promise<Me>

    Store.getMe method fetch data handler, see createFetchHandler for more


    • Get API supported currencies infomation

      Use toCurrencies backend API result convert function


      • OptionalisForce: boolean

        If true, return fresh data from backend API, not from cache

      Returns Promise<Currencies>

      Promise, what resolved to API supported currencies infomation object

      Error - If there is an error sending request to backend API or parsing response

    • Get API supported currencies exchange rate infomation

      Use toExchangeRates backend API result convert function


      • OptionalisForce: boolean

        If true, return fresh data from backend API, not from cache

      Returns Promise<ExchangeRates>

      Promise, what resolved to API supported currencies exchange rate infomation object

      Error - If there is an error sending request to backend API or parsing response

    • Get associated with passed API key app infomation

      Use toMe backend API result convert function


      • isForce: boolean = false

        If true, return fresh data from backend API, not from cache

      Returns Promise<Me>

      Promise, what resolved to associated with passed API key app infomation object

      Error - If there is an error sending request to backend API or parsing response